
Friday, December 18, 2009


Exhausted is a much better word. As most people are experiencing the holiday season is a crazy time of more commotion than progress. My wife and I got sick at the beginning of November. She is still fighting it, I have no idea if my physically exhausted state is still sick or just left over from being sick, either way it has not been fun. However, Christmas is always fun as is Thanksgiving and even Halloween, and I have pictures from all, I simply have to get feeling well enough to. The list of pictures to send out to people gets longer and it feels like time gets shorter.

I did take a few moments to do a couple renditions of one of the Zwakenberg families’ favorite Christmas decorations (which are always placed in the living room at Thanksgiving). These are my Grandmother’s bells and they bring up all sorts of memories for my family and I and I hope you enjoy them as well. (and I do promise more pictures to come.)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Memories, Cold days, and Busy Nights...

Jenny and I are running our heads and tails off and the days are buzzing by, getting colder, and the long nights are filling up with all that we cannot accomplish during the day. It hardly leaves time for grieving, relaxing, or pursuing... yet it seems the mind makes time for memories more than ever during times like these. Your body screams for sleep, your stress level is well beyond the outer limits, and you are trying so hard to focus... but your brain, it is playing old jumpy movie reels in your head. And somehow in the sepia haze and glowing black and whites a strange kind of peace seems to cover you like a blanket and you find yourself fondly cuddling up to watch some more.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

In Honor Of Rini Zwakenberg,

I have often reflected upon the relationship of man and animal. From the very beginning of time the two have been together and it is clear that it is by design. Yet we struggle to define the relationship pet and owner can share. It is obvious that the connection can be and most often is very strong, well beyond that of a mere caretaker. Its depth is reflected in common phrases such as; “man’s best friend” or an owner’s tendency to refer to themselves as the pet’s mommy or daddy. Yes it is clear that we come to love, cherish, and greatly value our pets but the speculations on why are vast and varied.

I have had the unfortunate opportunity to reflect on this question at some length as my own pet bunny, Rini has passed away and while I do not think I can offer an answer to end the question, I do want to offer my thoughts. It is with a beloved pet that we feel the freedom to come to them as just ourselves. It is in this completely raw and open relationship that we know we will find love an acceptance free from judgment, assumptions, or pre-conceived notions. And in this purely love based relationship we share the most precious gift we have to give, our life. This is what binds the ties of love so strong between human and animal; it is the ability to share an uncensored life in the light of love knowing that you are safe to do so.

There is only one other place to find a relationship like that. Christ Jesus. And even with God we try to hide our true selves behind pious masks. Yet God so ingeniously designed the relationship of a person to a pet and the connection that they share that we can begin to see a reflection of the relationship he wants with us.

So what am I trying to say? Simply this; it is my firm belief that God created dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, fish, or whatever other pet you may have, with personality and more unbound love than most people can manage so that humanity could find in them acceptance and companionship to be just yourself, unaltered and unprotected. And in this relationship glory is lavished upon our awesome Creator and Lover. The ties that bind us to our pets in love run so deep because our need for love is so deep and God is willing to shower it on us through His creation.

For this, Rini was an awesome bunny of God. We got Rini to be a friend and companion to our other bunny, Chubby and even with a few bumps in the road it didn’t take long for her to steal our hearts and his. She was a wonderfully stubborn bunny who was extremely jealous of our love and attention. She was curious, strong-willed, and a bit of a destructo-bunny and we couldn’t have been more lucky.

Rini brought glory to God through the beauty of His creation; she had the softest white fluffy fur you could imagine. She also brought glory to God in her love for us. When countless hours of college piled up on us Rini and Chubby were there. When money was non-existent and friends were far away and we sat lonely with little to do Rini and Chubby were there. When I spent long hours working and left Jenny at home she wasn’t alone, because Rini and Chubby were there.

Jenny and I would lay on the floor while Rini and Chubby ran and binked and wove in and around us; or even climbed up on us. She brought us joy and companion ship. I remember I could never sit at my computer without talking to them ever so often because Rini would get ticked I wasn’t paying attention to her and would let me know it by thumping until I did. She shared our life with us no questions asked and we are better off for it. Rini did what God created her to do very well and so it breaks my heart to have to say good-bye. I loved her and will miss her.

Lord I pray that you will fill our hearts with the memories of joy she brought us and let us be thankful for our time with her. You say in your Word that not even a sparrow drops without your knowledge for they are not forgotten (Luke 12:6), so Lord we know Rini too was part of your creation that you made and love so incredibly and that you never forgot her either. Lord we thank you for making her, for her love, and her friendship and we ask that you would help us to love more readily and more completely because we know as Rini loved so you love us and unbelievably more. Amen.

Rini you did your job and you did it well. We miss you already and we hope you knew how much we loved you. Sleep well.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ah Fall...

Another glorious fall has arrived and as I find quite usual there is never time enough to enjoy the simple things about fall I have always loved. The warm sun and cool crisp air, fall colors, family, and turkey, yum yum.

Well I finally got tired of waiting for time and decided to make some time to go enjoy one of my favorite hobbies, photography! I traded in some sleep but I think the results are way worth it.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Long pause...

Sorry it has been so very long since the last post, we moved... which means the computer has not been available, thus the long pause... However I wanted to take a few minutes, I SHOULD be sleeping during, and share some more with my favorite people.
This picture is one of my youth at his football game, I really enjoy sports photography.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I love this spot...

This is a certain spot on the way down Boydes creek that I really love. It was very foggy on this morning coming home from work. Just wanted to share.

This is my first panorama try... let me know what you think.

I love this old school house. Be sure there will be more of it to come.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


A good friend of mine just coached his last of four seasons for Emerald Youth Foundation. The Christian req league was often the focus of his evenings. I took some pictures for him, and these samples are just a tribute to the work he paid those kids.

Kyle's team was Maroon.... and they went 12-4 for the season.

Kyle is the short white guy with the beard on the far left... yes the one shorter than most of the kids... :)

Ok I realize normally this picture would not be one most would keep... however, this picture speaks to me. Those agonizing seconds that feel like an eternity as you chase the ball just out of reach and feel a hundred pair of eyes on you... I like it.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I am now a college graduate... several years of effort and pain have come to a close.

A friend of mine made the most fitting statement... so what now?

well for me, rest and job searching...

I am still so tired...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Well we are doing the normal frantic pre-family visit cleaning ;)

We're tierd, feel nasty, and almost done... it is good to have strong motivation to do the spring cleaning you have been meaning to do any way lol.

Well I thought I would just write a note and post a little dream of better places!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Little Friend...

One thing I love about photography is the beauty that you can find any where. The world is a wonderous place full of beauty and adventure that we seem to loose the ability to see with age, photography can help us recapture that if only for a while.

The following are just a few pictures of a play ground that has been sitting outside of my house for some time, the particular subject being photographed has a ton of charachter (and he was a pretty good model too, very complaint). Enjoy the wonder and let me know what you think...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

time waits for no man...

I chose a picture from some time ago while I work on some of my newer stuff. It is from when I was still using a film camera.

We are fast approaching graduation and I am a rather mix of feelings. I am some what desperate about finding a job and some what desperate to have some quiet introspective time... yet it doesnt seem time is slowing to allow for that.

Well I have found some what of a respite in my photography and enjoying my new camera... I simply wish there was less to do, and more time to do it.... but then dont we all?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Youth

My graduation, birthday, and anniversery presents combined to buy me the camera I have been dreaming of for some time now. The Canon 50D. I am very excited about it. I took some pictures of my wonderful youth group and though I would share them.

Good looking group arent they?

Cody is one of my college age youth.

We are not sure if Jake is dancing or catching the ball.

Josh may have missed this one, but it is a rare thing if he lets a ball past him in baseball.

Kory and Jake fight for the catch, who do you think will win?

Step into it Cole!

And let's not forget: my girls, Taylor and Kendra, like getting in the action too.

I really am very blessed to have such a good group of guys and girls. Most of them are about to graduate but I know they will go on and do great things.

Zeitgeist of Z

Zeitgeist is a German term which as defined by Webster's Dictionary means, "The general spirit of an era". I am not so arrogant to think of myself as an era. Yet in some way we pull the spirit of a culture, the spirit of a people from the art they leave behind. This may include architecture, paintings, music, literature, and more.

I claim no great talent or brilliant insight, but it is my hope and earnest desire that through this site I may communicate the spirit of a family and a culture, the spirit of warmth and love, the spirit of adventure and peace, the spirit of those who have touched my life and not least, the spirit of Z.