
Wednesday, December 14, 2011


It really does not feel like Christmas.... just work, sleep, work... stress stress stress.

No idea what is going to be happening what with statements and backpedaling....

I just want a break...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Precious Little...

It feels like precious little time remains win a cuddly little man who looks with adoring eyes to his mommy and daddy for everything he needs. His independence grows as fast as his height and daddy kissing him will be awkward rather than a reason to squeel in delight.

I try to savor every moment and yet it seems impossible to appreciate it as much as it should be.

He moves so much, wiggles and giggles and talks and plays... and my desire just to grab him in a hug and never let go grows.

I am so proud of him, and yet reluctant to see him learn so fast. I love you little buddy.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Little Dude with a big tonuge...

So for whatever reason Sammy has been going around with his tongue sticking out. He keeps it that way unless he is talking, grinning, or crying.

Or well chewing I guess LOL. He is a growing ball of energy and onry to boot. But still cuter than he has any right to be. Jenny and I are pretty much nearing desperate for a day off, but things haven't been going bad.

There is so much to figure out around the holidays. When to see what family and how not to miss anyone. It becomes stressful planning our days off. Well either way it will be all good.

Pictures with this cell phone are proving to be somewhat difficult. The shutter speed is blazingly slow. But I get a few fun ones, and with the help of Photoshop Mobil they are even somewhat fun to share.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


We all have to live with them, and who knows, sometimes they even cause us to live better. Perhaps with my phones in ability to post the high quality photographs I am used to posting, I will improve other parts and offer some snap shots to boot.

Jenny and I have a lot going on anymore. Yes, our schedules are busy, but its even more than that.

To be honest, there are many times I feel we just get swept up and lost in the fray. It is very much like a frantic fight just to find time to date even on our time off. I love Jenny so very much, and Sammy too, but being around each other almost all the time and not being able to spend time actually with each other is difficult.

If anyone has some good advice on how to fit something in please let me know.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Some Fall Foilage

So I am still trying to see if I can post my larger photos by phone... so far not much luck.
This will be my second attempt at it so I figure, rather than all 4 pictures at once, I will try one at a time. It will give me more reasons to post anyway, which I am totally OK with.
The Children's Home has become a big blessing to Jenny and I. We have both girls cottages now and the stress level and dread to going to work has gone significantly down.
Speaking of down. I didn't need a jacket at all yesterday and now they are calling for snow this evening... yay Tennessee weather.
Well enough random from me here is the first sampling of fall foliage all for you!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I am having some issues getting the phone to post the larger quality pictures... I will be looking into what I can do about that.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Working with what you've got...

So we are still without internet, but my cell phone camera does OK for snap shots and I thought I might share a few of those. Of course most of my snap shots are of Sammy so you will just have to bear with his ultimate cuteness.

Jenny and I took the girls on one of our cottages to Ober Gatlinburg so they could ice skate and such. As you can imagine I spent a good amount of time looking after Sammy while they played.

Its OK though, we all had fun and I got this snap shot of the little man playing drums on a wooden bench.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


As the title might suggest we are without internet, thus the long silence. I am actually making this post by my smartphone, which I just discovered I could do.
I will attempt to add a picture to this post as well but fair warning, its just a cell phone snap shot.

Our little man is growing so very fast. He sits on his own, claps his hands, stands, and even walks when you let him hold your fingers. He is so smart and happy, it just feels crazy that he is growing so fast.