
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Beagle Security?


beagle security


That may be the most adorable security system known to man. I promise I would not get upset at long lines at airport security if this little guy was the security agent. Beagles have always been one of my favorite dogs, way back to The Fox and The Hound.

Working at a children’s home you get used to thinking about security issues; are the doors locked, are the meds locked, are the razors locked, are the locks  locked, and on and on. You almost get to where you hate the idea of securing something because it is so much work.

I remember living out in Fries, VA. So far out in the country we almost never locked the door. Neither did almost anyone else. You stopped and talked to the neighbor when you saw each other coming home from a store or doing lawn work. You invited people over in large groups to enjoy a fire or a movie. You didn’t worry about who was going to do what or anything.

I know it sounds like a rose colored lie, but it really did exist.

As for today, security is key. Then again, it always has been key for our spiritual lives. The Bible tells us again and again to be self-controlled and alert. Basically, never slack up.

Even when his work was done Nehemiah did not let up.

7:1 Now when the wall had been built and I had set up the doors, and the gatekeepers, the singers, and the Levites had been appointed, 2 I gave my brother Hanani and Hananiah the governor of the castle charge over Jerusalem, for he was a more faithful and God-fearing man than many. 3 And I said to them, “Let not the gates of Jerusalem be opened until the sun is hot. And while they are still standing guard, let them shut and bar the doors. Appoint guards from among the inhabitants of Jerusalem, some at their guard posts and some in front of their own homes.”

Nehemiah 7:1-3 (ESV)


Nehemiah says that when the building was completely finished down to the last door knob it was time to put things in place. Immediately there were gate keepers found, singers, and Levites appointed. Security was put in place and celebration was arranged.

The entire work had been a testimony to God’s glory. The opposition was over come and the wall was built. There was no time to waste, security was put in place. However, we can never forget the importance of praising God for our progress. While the job may press on we must appoint times and people to join with us in singing praise to God over His good works in us. We must also appoint people in our lives to continue to cover us in prayer and encourage us on in Christ. Remember, Builders do their work in community and we must celebrate with our community and lean on them for continued support.

Nehemiah also put Hananiah in charge over Jerusalem. The work had been to bring security and a good testimony back to Jerusalem by rebuilding its wall. Now Nehemiah knew he would need someone to help him be accountable for keeping it that way. He chose two people. His brother, and a man he says is, “more faithful and God fearing than many.” Nehemiah chose people who knew him intimately and who put God first. They could call crap when they saw it and would always do so with God in mind first and foremost. Builder’s success depends on finding those men and women of accountability; even after you feel that the specific work you have been striving for is done. Especially then.

Finally Nehemiah gave the boundaries and guidelines by which to keep the work they had labored for safe. He also made sure those responsibilities were felt not just around the wall, but they hit home too. If we are to truly secure the work of God in our lives to build up situations and parts of our life around the image of Christ, then we must build strong and healthy boundaries and guidelines. We must set these guidelines clearly and specifically in our own situation as well as at home in our hearts.

Beauty seldom comes without work. We see the beauty of nature around us and wonder at it’s amazing simplicity and beauty. We seldom think about how much work it took. Parks don’t simply spring up from the ground, wherever man touches it takes work to keep us from destroying it, gardens require constant weeding, and even mountains and oceans took so much work from God almighty that He took a day to rest when He was done.

The beauty of His testimony in you will be something to see as well, but it will take work. Things like this don’t just happen…

trees 2

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