The phone works off of the android operating system, and it really just blew me away. I guess I had never seen a smart phone outside of Blackberry. This was way cooler.
Someday I would really like to have a tablet. I think they are really cool, and would have a blast keeping up with all my Internet activities through some device looks like it should be in a SciFi movie.
Oh well enough about technology.
On to reading! I am reading the Wheel of Time series for the third time through. I love these books. Robert Jordan does a superb job of bringing the story to life and he ties such intricate connections that you would expect a story board to look like a spider web.
Currently I am reading book 4, The Shadow Rising. The books are a good size, but you get every imaginable perspective; male and female, young and old, good and evil. This series is at the head of my recommendations.
I have also read Tyranny of the Urgent
As for my life? Well little more is going on. I am still looking for a church job. Pisgah Forest Baptist in North Carolina recently contacted me to let me know they are still considering me. I try not to let my hopes get up to much and to be prayerful about all of my decisions, but I know I would really like that job. Regardless I would love a job somewhere.
Sammy is due in late February and we are getting kind of nervous about not having much ready for him. Hopefully I will hear something in time to at least be making arraignments. I am really excited about my little boy showing up. Jenny is getting big enough that you can see her stomach move with the baby. She keeps showing me how shallow her belly button has gotten and I keep telling her that its a baby timer and will pop out when Sammy is done!
Other than various forms of anticipation I guess the only new thing to report is about my photography. The pictures I have for today are more of my cousin Trey and his girlfriend Arley. They were not exactly the most willing models, but their parents wanted pictures so I got my first opportunity to take some portraits. Even if it was impromptu. I would love some feedback on them so please let me know what you think!
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