If you are unaware Point man
Farrar says that satan has two main goals in attacking the family. #1 is to alienate the husband and wife from one another, strategy #2 is to alienate the father from his children. As far as I cant tell both strategies are working extremely well.
Farrar goes on to say that most men are unaware of what our role really is. Even when a man stands in his family, he seems lost as to what he is standing for. Farrar says our job is, “to save the boys.” I agree. I have always believed that men are the key to the family. God’s model for building healthy families is based around the leadership of a healthy, Godly, father.
The model in place from Adam and Eve until the industrial revolution was large amounts of time spent, father with son, in an apprentice type relationship. In this way being a man of God and a Father is taught by role model. Farrar goes on to say;
I had five goals for saving my boys. It was (and still is) my job as their father to model for them the importance of:
- Knowing and obeying Jesus Christ
- Knowing and displaying godly character
- Knowing and loving my wife
- Knowing and loving my children
- Knowing my gifts and abilities so i can work hard and effectively in an area of strength, rather than weakness, contribute effectively to the lives of others – and have a little fun at the same time.
Your being a successful businessman will do nothing for your children. Your being a successful father will.
The picture for today picks up on the masculinity in this post, I hope you enjoy!
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