Imagine your in the middle of a war. You’ve been selected as your squad’s point man. That means your in the lead, scouting and taking the risks as they come. It is your job to make sure every one is safe. No traps, no mines, no ambushes. Every step might take you into enemy hands. You know they are in the area. In fact, intelligence says they are all over. You know it could any step that has you under fire, and that eventually that step will come. Can you keep every one safe?
Now imagine you aren't leading soldiers, but your family. It is your spouse and your children huddling behind you. Welcome to the job of a husband.
I’m reading the book
Point Man 
right now, and this is very much like how it starts. I look forward to the book, especially with fatherhood coming up. I have always known being a father is a huge deal, and the responsibility is a little intimidating.
I did not have a good example of this growing up, so a good bit of it is going to be trying to learn it on the go. I believe whole heartedly that men are the key to the family. I hope to be a good one.
The picture for today is a remake of one that has been on here before, but it so fits the feel of what I am talking about so well that I wanted to share again.
Pure effort.
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