
Monday, January 3, 2011

Railing on a stranger…


Have you ever noticed how those who have let their relationship with God flounder or who have never really taken the time to get to know Him, are most often the ones who also rail against Him for His lack of love and mercy?


I was thinking about this today. How often we begin to blame God when we feel that He has failed in some way. We blame Him, or some of His people when things go wrong and we feel abandoned. Yet how often do we step back and ask, with honesty, who really left?

Let me put it this way. If I met you and then never saw you again, we would be strangers. Now imagine something goes wrong in my life and I come to you and start blowing up on you for not being there for me, for not fighting for me, or taking up for me. Your door was always open, I could have come around, but I did not.

Yet I still look to blame you for what went wrong. The funny thing is that many, many times God is there when something goes wrong, even though we have been ignoring Him. Do we thank Him for this great mercy? Yet when something does eventually bring our world crashing to the ground, like anything not built on Jesus, we run to a God we barely even know and try to lay the blame at His feet.


I think it makes His mercy even more impressive. I have to remind myself that relationships take an investment. If I have never invested in my relationship with God, how can I hope to lean upon it when troubles come? I pray that one day when I finally get to go home I will meet Jesus as an old friend rather than for the first time.


Anyway… New Years/Christmas went really well. It was a massive blessing to see my brother and get to spend some concerted time with him. I am also extremely blessed that I have an awesome wife who understands my desire to spend time with my family. It was amazing having all of the kids and grandkids in one house again.


I have been dealing with a good deal of drama in the family as of late, so the pictures this time remind me of peace. A peace that amazingly is more prevalent now than in some time. I pray that all of your Christmas and New Years hopes came true and will continue to.


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