
Monday, March 12, 2012

One Flows From The Other…


Last Monday the girls planted some seeds and the pots are sitting outside striving for sun and nutrients as the plants begin life from death. It made me think of being in school as a kid and planting a bean in a wet napkin and placing it in a zip-lock bag so we could watch it grow.

I have always enjoyed planting things. The Bible says we can plant, water, and feed but only God can make it grow. I just like to see something grow from seed to flower or fruit. Plants tend to make me happy in their simple beauty and growth.

It amazes me how often the seed cycle is at work in our lives. Oh sure we’ve all heard that what we sow we reap and while that is true, I just think we over look the simplicity.

Let us take our mornings. If my girls start their day with hard, angry, music it affects the rest of their day. If they wake up complaining then they most often go to bed with consequences. So we can see a fairly sweeping view of cause and effect present in each day, but lets look even closer.

I think the question to ask is, “What is growing?” I believe this is what we miss. We plant a seed and keep it watered and fed, even make sure it gets sun light, and we watch it grow. What is growing in your life? In this year? Your week? Today? This hour?

God gives us each day the opportunity to plant in our lives something beautiful. Each moment presents itself as an opportunity to feed it, water it, and let it bask in the Son. What we grow is obvious once it has sprouted, anyone can see it then. Even the very soil it was planted in begins to shift and change as the plant takes root.

And if we don’t nurture the moments God gives us? I once had a seed that went uncared for or improperly nurtured; the smell of decay was unpleasant to say the least; nor was it a pretty sight.


13:1 Let brotherly love continue. 2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. 3 Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body. 4 Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. 5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 6 So we can confidently say,

“The Lord is my helper;
I will not fear;
what can man do to me?”

Hebrews 13:1-6 (ESV)


The Author of Hebrews has been pounding on us to take heed of the testimonies in our lives and live by faith, to endure by faith. Yet the Bible always seems to tie theology and practice together. In a life watered by faith and properly nurtured Love will be it’s fruit.

Even the life of love, as it takes root, continues to grow and change it’s soil. We see that first we are told to continue in brotherly love the NIV says love one another as brothers. If we live an active life of faith, then we are to live it in love. You will remember Paul saying what good is it without love?

We love each other like family, as indeed we are. That love flows to taking care of each other and welcoming each other in times of need. The Author also notes that at times, in practicing this love, God has sent His messengers of Hope and Peace to them.

As love continues to grow our hearts (the soil) begins to be changed and we receive (from God) the ability and call to take on each others burdens. This goes beyond simply empathizing with each other, rather it spurs us on to action. Through prayer, provision, and encouragement we offer peace to the suffering.

The Author then tells us how to continue to nurture this love. It starts at home. Marriage is an image of our covenant relationship with God and as we corrupt our lives with idols, so we corrupt our marriages with lust and adultery. Finally, we are to keep love nurtured by moving it from the dark of self-centeredness.

As always the Author gives us another promise to go with our work; there is no need to worry about life because God will never leave us and always take care of us.

As a father I try and remember to let my love grow with my children in every moment I have with them. As a husband I try an make every interaction with my wife a nurturing one (and often fail). As a friend, brother, son, co-worker, house parent, or anything else I want to work hard to see what God has provided grow to something beautiful. Thing is farming is not always easy.

But when you have “plants” like these who wouldn’t give it their best shot?

Sammy and Jenny at park

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