
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Very Dry…


I was driving one of the girls around today and thinking about writing something. I got an image in my head and then this poem followed. I do not write too many poems anymore, but I wanted to give this one a try. It is based roughly off of Ezekiel 37:1-10.

It got me thinking, in the context of this section, how very dry we really can be…

A Valley of Bones

I am memory long forgotten
bleached by the sun in piles of the fallen

A reminder of death and waste
Thousands forgotten, lost to time’s haste

A testament to my profession
scattered about like a sinner’s confession

Our blood will not remain silent
“Death, Fire, and Blood!” it warns the violent

From our graves we try to speak
but the living neither hear nor seek
the testimonies of futures wasted
or dangers of the fruit we’ve tasted

Will no one ever hear or heed
or give us honor for our deed?
How long since a spoken word?
Life’s waters can I once more ford?

Wait, now my bones are lifted?
Separated from others and together fitted.

Muscles, sinews, and organs grow.
My limbs once more strength and talent know.

In a moment of wonder sweet
the breath of life and thousands of hearts beat.

The why I neither know nor ask.
Only word from the Living God sufficient of the task.

One man stands alone and facing
Memories remembered by God’s making.
What message he received I do not know
but never again will I violence sow

From here my future starts
and to the joy thousands reborn now depart.

Please hear this apparition speak,
In God life and joy can be found for those who seek.


It seems the daily scorch of watching the sun go by tends to dry us out. Waiting on weekend passes, getting through the weekend, seeing Jenny for a few minutes before we pass out, and doing daily errands. Sometimes it seems a burden just to get some water, but if you don’t you die.

It is tiring, often exhausting, but we do have a source of water. Living Water. Hopefully we remember to use it.  If we do, things can be a ton better…
